Alexander The Great

10 Broken Lines Of Succession That Changed The World

There is no to and fro in political succession – you name your heir as the next frontrunner in the democratic scenario, straight and clear. The protocol is already concrete and there’s not much to ponder over such issues. But more often than not, such political decisions led to heated arguments within the bureaucracy when the controls of a nation are in the big picture. Sometimes it might even lead to open war-making a far greater effect on the world history. Here we bring some of the broken succession which changed the political phenomenon.


10. Yuan’s Shao choice of Ultimogeniture

In royal monarchies, primogeniture is more prominent than choosing the youngest son as heir (Ultimogeniture). The latter can even be considered as rarest finding its origin in Mongols and some sections of Old Testament. Coming to Yuan Shao who was commander warlord of China during first century faced the very old dilemma of succession – whether to choose the efficient general Cao Cao or his own heirs (three sons). With the rift increasing between him and Cao Cao, he chose his youngest son to be his successor which later became such a terrible choice ruining his family lineage. Eventually family crevice led all the brothers to their death leaving Cao Cao upsurge to power.

9. Pure Blood Reign of Inca Empire

The Incan empire had two princes, one Huascar (pure royal blood) and his father’s bastard yet also a prince Atahualpa. When the time of succession came, Huascar became furious getting the signs of Atahualpa forwarding the lineage. Atahualpa tried filling the gap, but to no avail was insulted throughout. Eventually, both brothers went to war in 1529 which went on till three years. But the turn of events led to downfall of the Incan empire for both the brothers when Spanish troops took cover of it.

8. French General – The new king

During the downfall of 19th Century, the kind was overthrown by the Swedes only to keep Charles XIII in power. The parliament came to a predicament when the childless king died with no heir to take control of the throne. Suggestions came to offer the French General Bernadotte as a representative who had gained quite a reputation in martial and secretarial fields. But some of the voices in parliament were not happy with the suggestion and ordered prosecution. Eventually, they couldn’t keep him off the public iteration and he was named the king later on. And that lineage went on for decades naming him the sovereign of Sweden and Norway.

7. Ruling Ethics Ottoman Empire

Ottoman Empire has a long history of fratricide, bringing the left alive heir to the throne. If not, the prince with the highest wealth, power and authority took over. The practise was acquaint with Mehmet II when he came to throne in 1451. It gave way to the practise of seniority that most monarchs follow, and it went on till centuries. The Ottoman Empire which is now prevailing in Saudi Arabia has still not lost its taste for the killing. On March, 1975 King Faisal was killed by his own nephew for the power. The current rule, Abdullah is about to turn up his deathbed, with his only son alive while the two had died already.

6. Karling Tradition

Most of the Western Europe was under the reign of Emperor Charlemagne in Ninth Century which got inherited to Louis. Louis later gained momentum and had three sons pertaining to the same catch of succession. He decided to divide the titles equally among the three sons (Karling Tradition). But the rift rose between the brothers when his new wife gave birth to fourth son claiming his part in the borders. Even after the death of Louis, the four brothers kept fighting for their part of the throne overthrowing the dynasty.

5. American Political Riot of a Split Party

American Political history has seen its fair share of conflicting philosophies. And this was even more prominent in the time 1860s when slavery was still part of the political agenda in southern parts. The idea behind the rift was the fear of claims overland by the slaveholders. There were clashes in ideologies between three main parties, Republican favouring the prevention of allowance of slavery to the states, while Democratic wanting to leave it to the people’s choice. The debates went on till long, often leading to heated arguments between moderates and advocates. The rifts between the political parties lead to division of prophecies leading the America to Civil war.

4. Two popes – bad idea, Three Popes – Schism

During the beginning of 13th Century, a French pope was elected who went on to live in France surpassing the lineage in Avignon (France) for several popes until 1377 when Urban VI was elected as pope residing in the catholic churches of Rome. But, later on it resulted in a bad choice when he proved himself unstable on throne. Clement VII took his place later but to surprise in Avignon ignoring the seat in Rome. And while the rift was going on between the Roman Pope and the Avignon Pope, council of Pisa elected a third Pope – which was the whistle-blower to disaster. The arguments ended when both lines of Pisa and Avignon dissolved giving way to one true Pope, Martin V.

3. Alexander’s Succession

When Alexander was on his deathbed, he was asked about his successor which became the last words the emperor spoke. To which he replied “To the strongest”, and people those are three words changed the world history in 323 BC. All of his heir, and part of the council now wanted a part of the empire. Ptolemy got Egypt, while Lysimachus got his share from Thrace and the council members got part of Macedonia and Greece. With time, every single one of his dynasty that shared a title demanded their part of the empire leading to division of once-great ethereal dynasty. No sooner than ever, Rome claimed their reign over Egypt and other parts of Macedonia. Only if Alexander was more accurate on his deathbed, his lineage would have been known for much greater deeds.

2. Three makes it pretty hefty

If you’re one of the artifacts paddlers, you must have heard of Bayeux Tapestry that talks about the intertwined tales of chase to power. It tells us a story of Harold who was stranded off Poteau in 1064. After he was rescued he made a promise to the throne that he’ll support William’s claim but didn’t put straight on his word. When offered the crown, he gladly accepted declining any pleas made by William and his council which were furious already. And continents far, there was another man – Herald wanting to put his claim on throne whose forefathers were promised of it by their time. When he arrived on England, he was insulted by Harold. Soon after, Harold ordered their prosecution but he couldn’t celebrate much as days later he was slain by William. Eventually, William became the king of England and ruled on.

1. A reasonable Housewife Overthrows Dictatorship

Everyone at Philippines bide abated silence, when Corazon Aquino, former president of Philippines shared her stories of prior life. How she stood by his husband to overthrow the dictatorship in the country and watched her husband die as he continued his fast as a part of civil disobedience. While she was returning with his body, military personnel tried to shoot her in the back of her head. Soon the public outraged out of the humiliation they have been suffering for long. In panic, dictator called in for election. The people saw hope in her, but also had their doubts that how can someone with no political experience can challenge someone who had been ruling for 20 years? Eventually with a lot of hurdles, Corazon became the first female president of Philippines making the world history.

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