Healthy Food Ideas for Toddlers

Top 10 Healthy Food Ideas for Toddlers

Caring for children should start with their diet. Today when fast-food restaurants are very fashionable, children and adults do not pay attention to our main meals is much easier to grab a bite on the run in front of the computer or TV.

Poor nutrition can have negative effects on children, often beginning with them not being able to focus, lacking energy, and not being to sleep properly at night. These signs should give pause and change something in our toddler’s life, starting with food.

Vitamins and minerals are essential for toddlers, they should be taken primarily from food, and only a doctor can give supplements in tablet form. If your children receive healthy food for toddlers, then all problems will be solved, they will be full of energy and will have positive behavior.

Introducing healthy food to toddlers should be made progressively since not everything is healthy and tasty. Many children refuse various foods, but by different methods should lead them to accept.

Here are the 10 most healthy toddler meals, as recommended by specialists in pediatric nutrition. Make sure that they are present in your baby’s daily diet.


1. Cereal Oatmeal

There is no better start to the day for a child otherwise than by breakfast. Children are eager to play more if they eat more in the morning. Breakfast also helps the memory, attention and reaction ability. Oats are a great source of fiber. Cognitive performance increases because glucose is released slowly into the bloodstream. Oats are ideally served for breakfast with milk or yogurt. Oats are also found in other foods or snacks such as crackers or whole-grain bars. They can also be served with honey, fresh or dried fruit and crushed nuts.

2. Tuna

When speaking about healthy food for toddlers, one must include fish. If you give your baby fish to eat regularly, than try replacing related assortments with Tuna. Tuna is a great source of omega 3 fatty acids, a healthy type of fat that our body needs. These essential fatty acids are important for brain function, growth and development.

Omega 3 fatty acids in children reduce the risk of many serious health problems. It was observed that toddlers who do not get enough omega 3 are more prone to vision or nervous system problems later in their life.

There were some concerns about the consumption of Tuna regarding its mercury content. As is true with any food, eating in moderation is the solution. Toddlers can eat one or two servings per week of canned tuna swathes. Healthy meals for toddlers may include a tuna sandwich with mayo little weak, and a piece of lettuce served on a slice of bread. Tuna can be served on crispy crackers.

3. Nuts and Seeds

Those beneficial omega 3 fatty acids that your child needs are not only found in Tuna fish, but also in nuts. Be careful about their consumption though, as toddlers will not be able to eat any kind of nuts because as they might be allergic or can choke with small and rough pieces.

Sunflower seeds seem to be favorites of toddlers since they are a great source of fiber and iron. They contain also other important components: Magnesium, Zinc, Vitamin E, Phosphorus, Folic Acid.

Do not forget, there are good fats and bad fats. Poly and monounsaturated fats are good, and they are found in abundance in sunflower seeds.

Other types of nuts that are rich in omega 3 fatty acids are:

  • Traditional nuts
  • Brazil nuts
  • Macadamia nuts
  • Peanuts
  • Almonds

Even if your child will not eat a daily handful of walnuts or so, you can always include it in his favorite recipes. Try to place them in cakes or muffins. As an alternative, you can give the child flax-seed oil in served dishes, as they represent healthy food for toddlers.

4. Yogurt

Foods that are rich in calcium lead to stronger bones and keep children active and healthy. Breakfast foods containing calcium contributes are more beneficial to the process of learning easier.

Yogurt gives the child a significant amount of calcium needed for the day. From probiotic yogurt brands you trust to authorized calcium sources, they all help your child’s digestive system to be healthy and strong. Toddlers should not be served sweet yogurt, flavored with fruit, because they usually have too high sugar content. You can add fresh fruit or honey for a delicious dessert.

5. Eggs

Eggs are an excellent source of protein, but also contain many useful vitamins and minerals such as vitamin D and iron. Eggs contribute to calcium absorption and supports the construction and repair of muscles.

Keep in mind that although the egg contains cholesterol, it does not contain saturated fats (which are bad fats). So, an egg per day or one per two days represents a healthy choice. Scrambled egg sandwich in the morning or at lunch can be a perfect shape to serve eggs for children, since they form healthy meals for toddlers.

6. Vegetables

There are many health benefits of eating vegetables, especially when children eat vegetables combined. The best vegetables that the toddler can eat are:

  • Broccoli
  • Spinach
  • Red pepper
  • Carrots
  • Asparagus
  • Lettuce

Serving the child vegetables can be a great stress for you, so try to give them in combination with low-fat and sugar-free sauces, such as yogurt sauce.

7. Fruits

Like vegetables, fruits are high in vitamins and minerals which are beneficial for your child. The healthiest fruits for him to eat are:

  • Kiwi
  • Apples
  • Oranges
  • Berries

Dried fruits are another option worthy to be taken into account. They are rich in iron and can strongly contribute to increased energy levels and mental alertness.

8. Baked Potato

Forget about fries and try to include baked potato in your child’s diet. It is a much healthier alternative and is not full of fat as in case of fries. Baked potatoes contain fiber and potassium. You can cook baked potato with low-fat cheese or assort them with your favorite vegetables, olive oil and salsa.

9. Cheese

Non-fat cheese as the tradition England one is an excellent source of calcium. You can melt cheese over the vegetables loved by your children and thus serve two healthy foods for toddlers in one meal. A great meal is made of sandwich bread and cheese or grilled cheese. It is good for children to consume them in moderation as they can lead to increased cholesterol levels.

10. Peanut Butter

If your child is allergic to peanuts, peanut butter is a good way for him to consume protein and fiber. Peanut butter is a popular option with sandwiches, but your toddler can just as well eat peanut butter with fruits like apples or bananas, and can also combine it with yogurt and nuts.

The 10 foods listed above can always be combined together, providing essential nutrients for the child especially since this is the age when he develops physically and mentally the most. Follow and comply with the above list and the chances of your child to have a strong immune system and enough energy day after day will be considerably higher.

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