Morning Walk

Top 10 Reasons why Morning Walk is important for your Health

Morning walk is an art and best physical exercise that everyone can do comfortably and easily. Waking up at 5 am, donning some light clothes and stepping out in the sun with your iPod playing your favorite tracks is a different experience every morning. The morning walk is the simplest form of a perfect exercise in which all muscles of the body become active. The benefits of morning walk are infinite.

Here is a list of Top 10 Reasons why Morning Walk is important for your Health:


10. Provides Energy

Though paradoxical yet it’s true that a brisk walk is one of the best natural energizers around. An early morning walk is beneficial for boosting natural energy in the body. Regular walking provides energy to the body. It increases blood circulation and oxygen supply in the body. It wakes up stiff joints and eases muscle tension so you feel less sluggish. The whole day becomes pleasurable with the blessing from the morning walk.

9. Tones your body

We all want a toned body and walking regularly can help in achieving toned legs, buttocks and tummy. A good walk can help strengthen and shape your legs, giving great definition to calves, quads, and hamstrings and lifting your glutes. Walking also tones the abs but for this it is essential that you take care of walking posture. Walking daily for at least 30 minutes can get you a toned body.

8. Uplifts your mood

Walking daily can lift your mood and make you physically strong. An early morning walk for about 20-25 minutes proves to be as effective as antidepressants in cases of mild to moderate depression. Getting active releases feel-good endorphins into the bloodstream, reducing stress and anxiety. Exercise acts as a transitory diversion to daily stresses. Mood improvements may also occur due to the increased secretion of endogenous (internal) opiates, e.g. endorphins. Psychological changes may occur because of changes in norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin, all hormones which can affect mood and anxiety levels.

7. Reduces risk of diseases

An early morning walk improves the immune system of the body, keeping the diseases at bay. Many research studies have inferred that people who go for regular morning walk are reported with less infections and diseases. Walking enhances the blood circulation within the body, which in turn keeps the body away from diseases. An early morning walk is beneficial for boosting natural energy in the body.

6. Prevents dementia

Dementia is a disease affecting brain function, memory, language and attention of human beings. Dementia is a very common problem especially for people above 65 years of age. According to scientific studies, walking regularly reduces the risk of dementia by up to 54 per cent and can also prevent dementia. An early morning walk has a great impact on mental health. It improves attention and retention capacity of the person.

5. Controls weight

Many people suffer from overweight and many inspired by the so-called “zero-figure” of the celebrities madly pine to shed some kilos. So the best way to control weight instead of curbing your regular meals is to go out in the morning and walk for at least 30-45 minutes. Scientists also say that even without changing diet habits, losing weight is possible if you’re walking for at least 45 minutes daily. Walking elevates heart rate and burns some calories which help in maintaining healthy weight.

4. Fights diabetes

Morning walk is extremely beneficial for diabetic patients. Walking is the best way to control and reduce diabetes. Walking also involves utilization of more insulin, which improves blood sugar levels and thus it eventually helps in keeping diabetes under control and also reduces the risk of getting it. A study proved that the regular walking especially at the morning time helps to improves the BMI (Body Mass Index) rate for 1% and maintains the blood pressure levels in the diabetic patients. The muscle movement allows them to utilize more glucose and burning of glucose cells results in utilization of insulin, which in turn improves the blood sugar levels. The morning walk is not only good for diabetic patient but also for non-diabetics as walking will reduce the risk of suffering from diabetes.

3. Lowers cholesterol

Stress affects our cholesterol levels. Cholesterol is present not only in the blood stream but in all the body’s tissues as well. Cholesterol is transported in the blood by lipoproteins. These lipoproteins are of two types – High density (HDLs) or the good cholesterol and Low density (LDLs) or the bad cholesterol. The higher the presence of this good cholesterol the lower is the risk of heart attack. Regular walking will help to increase the level of HDLs in your blood. Brisk walking on every early morning helps to burn up to 200 calories and reduces the body fat.

2. Reduces risk of breast cancer

A study conducted by the National Cancer Institute proved that regular 1 hour walking at the morning reduces the risk of breast cancer. Another study confirmed that, the walking improves the breast cancer survival rates. Walking alters the ratio of estrogen metabolites and makes it harder for breast cancer to take hold and that is why, it is really beneficial for women suffering from breast cancer. The fast paced walks reduce the risk of colon cancer; the moderate walk reduces the risk of endometrial cancer. All together the morning walks helps to reduce the risk of cancer.

1. Healthy heart

Walking increases heart rate and strengthens heart which increases blood circulation through body and helps in making the heart healthy. Regular walking increases the HDL cholesterol and lowers the level of LDL cholesterol. The reduction in the level of bad cholesterol helps in decreasing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. According to the Stroke Association, walking briskly for up to 30 minutes can help prevent and control the high blood pressure that can cause strokes – reducing the risk by up to 27 per cent.

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